Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Banded Krait

Banded Water Cobra

Texas Coral Snake

they are scary

Green Tree Python

Emerald Tree Boa

Emerald Tree Boas live in the Amazon,Africa,China,and Kenya. They eat monkeys,Capabara,rats,mice,lizards,other snakes,and sometimes small crocodiles. They can grow up to about 5 feet and 8 in. The boa can weigh up to about 85 pounds. They kill their prey by constricting them. They sit in trees and watch the ground for their next meal. This tree living snake has terrific green colors that blends in with its surroundings. When their young are first born, they are brick red in color.

They have about fifty teeth in their mouth.

Eastern Diamond Back Rattle Snake

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Burmese Python

Reticulated Python

An average adult Reticulated Python is 35 feet. The largest Reticulated Python ever recorded was 50 feet. They eat antelope, crocodile, loins, and other snakes. They can lay up to 100 eggs. There's about 100 teeth in their mouth. They are the biggest snakes in the world. Their mouth opens 20 times wider then human mouths.